Advertising Photography
Pencoed, South Wales
I was commissioned by Orchard to shoot the advertising campaign photography stills for the Steadtler ‘Draw your future, earn your stripes’ advertising campaign.
I photographed a range of energetic pupils from Pencoed Comprehensive School (not far from Steadtler’s UK headquarters) on a school desk in front of a high key white backdrop. The pupils were asked to look into the future and think about their dream job, whilst being subjected to face pulling, sound effects and being heckled by fellow pupils who were not in shot! The pupils were also asked to sketch their dream jobs using the classic Staedtler Norris pencil. The jobs ranged from judge, astronaut and explorer through to chemist, chef and doctor.
The advertising print campaign was seen on over 700 outdoor digital and static sites, across the whole of UK during the month leading up to the new school year.
Client: Orchard
Location: Pencoed, South Wales
Service: Advertising Photography
Used for: Advertising, Print and Digital Media